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Wed, November 29, 2023 at 5:47 PM UTC

Can Love Blossom in Arranged Marriages?

Ibrahim Amin


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Many people in the Western world may find the idea of arranged marriage hard to comprehend. How can two strangers who barely know each other agree to spend the rest of their lives together? How can they develop a meaningful and lasting bond without falling in love first? And most importantly, can they ever fall in love after tying the knot?

These are some of the questions that researchers and experts have tried to answer by studying the experiences and outcomes of couples in arranged marriages. Arranged marriage is a form of marriage in which the partners are selected by family members or professional matchmakers, rather than by their own choice. It is still practiced in many parts of the world, such as India, Pakistan, China, Japan, and some regions of Africa and the Middle East.

According to a 2012 study by Statistic Brain, the global divorce rate for arranged marriages was only 6 percent, compared to 40 to 50 percent for love-based marriages in the U.S. Another 2012 study by Psychology Today researchers found no difference between couples in arranged marriages and those in free-choice marriages on measures of passionate love, companionate love, satisfaction, and commitment. These findings suggest that arranged marriages are not necessarily doomed to fail, and that love can indeed emerge and grow over time in these relationships.

But how does love develop in arranged marriages? And what are the factors that influence its success or failure? Here are some of the insights that researchers and experts have shared on this topic.

These are some of the factors that can help couples in arranged marriages to fall in love and stay in love. Of course, every marriage is unique, and there is no guarantee that any of these factors will work for everyone. Some couples may never fall in love, or may fall out of love over time, regardless of how their marriage was arranged. Some couples may face other challenges or obstacles, such as domestic violence, infidelity, or incompatibility, that may threaten their relationship. And some couples may find other sources of love and happiness, such as children, friends, hobbies, or spirituality, that may enrich their lives.

The bottom line is that love is not a fixed or predetermined phenomenon, but a dynamic and evolving one. It can be influenced by many factors, both internal and external, and it can take different forms and expressions. Love can also be a choice, not just a feeling, and it can be cultivated and maintained by conscious and deliberate actions. Whether arranged or not, marriage is a journey that requires constant effort, patience, and flexibility, and it can offer both rewards and challenges along the way.

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