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Fri, June 16, 2023 at 1:59 PM UTC

Cyclone Biparjoy: A disaster for India and Pakistan

Arnold Jones


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Cyclone Biparjoy, which means "disaster" in Bengali, has lived up to its name. The storm, which made landfall near the border of India and Pakistan on Thursday evening, has brought heavy rains, strong winds, and storm surges to millions of people in both countries.

The cyclone, which was equivalent to a strong tropical storm with winds of 65 mph (100 kph) at landfall, has ripped up trees, toppled electricity poles, and flooded roads and houses. No casualties have been reported so far, but the damage is expected to be extensive.

More than 170,000 people have been evacuated from high-risk areas across both countries, according to authorities. The Indian army and coast guard are on standby for rescue and relief operations, while Pakistan has set up relief camps at schools.

The cyclone is also a potential threat to the security and stability of the region, as it affects two nuclear-armed rivals that have fought three wars since their independence from British rule in 1947.

India and Pakistan have a long history of animosity and mistrust, especially over the disputed territory of Kashmir, which both claim in full but rule in part. The two countries have also accused each other of supporting militant groups that carry out attacks across the border.

The cyclone could worsen the already tense relations between the two neighbors, as it could hamper their communication and coordination efforts to deal with the disaster. It could also spark accusations of negligence or sabotage from either side, or create opportunities for extremist groups to exploit the chaos and vulnerability.

The cyclone could also affect the economic and social development of both countries, which are already struggling with the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. India and Pakistan are among the worst-hit countries in Asia by the coronavirus, with more than 30 million cases and 400,000 deaths combined.

The cyclone could disrupt their vaccination campaigns, as well as their trade and transport networks. It could also worsen their poverty and inequality levels, as it hits some of the poorest and most marginalized communities in both countries.

The cyclone is a reminder of the fragility and vulnerability of both India and Pakistan, as well as their interdependence and shared challenges. It is also a test of their leadership and diplomacy, as they face a common enemy that does not respect borders or ideologies.

The cyclone calls for cooperation and compassion between the two countries, rather than confrontation and conflict. It is an opportunity for them to show solidarity and support to each other, rather than suspicion and hostility. It is a chance for them to build trust and confidence, rather than mistrust and resentment.

The cyclone is a disaster for India and Pakistan, but it could also be a catalyst for peace and progress.

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