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Artist's rendition of Elliott Lieb, winner of the 2023 Kyoto Prize in mathematical sciences.Artist's rendition of Elliott Lieb, winner of the 2023 Kyoto Prize in mathematical sciences.


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Fri, June 16, 2023 at 3:33 PM UTC

A Mathematical Giant: Elliott Lieb Wins Kyoto Prize

Jorge Valasquez


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ScienceMathematicsPhysicsKyoto PrizePrinceton

As a reporter who has been following the developments in astrophysics for decades, I have always admired the work of Elliott Lieb, a Princeton University professor emeritus who has made groundbreaking contributions to both mathematics and physics. His research on quantum many-body systems, which are composed of numerous elements governed by quantum mechanics, has not only deepened our understanding of the physical world, but also opened up new possibilities for fields such as chemistry and quantum information science.

That is why I was delighted to hear that he was one of the three recipients of the 2023 Kyoto Prize, a prestigious international award that honors the lifetime achievements of those who have enriched humanity through science, culture and spirituality. He won the mathematical sciences category, for "pioneering mathematical research in physics, chemistry and quantum information science based on many-body physics."

Lieb, who celebrated his 90th birthday last year, is a remarkably prolific and influential scholar who has published over 400 papers and several books. He has also received many other honors, including the Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize from the International Mathematical Union and the Medal for Exceptional Achievement in Research from the American Physical Society.

One of his most notable achievements is his work on the stability of matter, which explains why matter does not collapse under its own gravity or electrostatic attraction. He proved several rigorous results and inequalities that established the mathematical foundation for this phenomenon, which is essential for understanding the structure and behavior of atoms, molecules and solids.

Another important contribution is his work on the density functional theory, which is a widely used method for calculating the properties of matter from quantum mechanics. He proved the existence and uniqueness of a universal functional that relates the energy of a system to its electron density, and also derived various bounds and approximations for practical applications.

Lieb's research also covers topics such as magnetic interactions, quantum spin systems, Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum entropy and quantum information theory. He has proposed and analyzed models that capture the essence of complex phenomena such as superconductivity, magnetism and topological phases of matter. He has also proved fundamental results that underpin the theory of quantum computation and communication.

Lieb's work is remarkable not only for its breadth and depth, but also for its elegance and clarity. He has a rare ability to formulate physical problems in precise mathematical terms, and to solve them using ingenious techniques that often reveal new insights and connections. His papers are models of rigor and simplicity, and have inspired generations of mathematicians and physicists.

I had the privilege of meeting Lieb once at a conference, where he gave a talk on his latest research. He was very humble and approachable, and answered questions with enthusiasm and humor. He told me that he always enjoyed learning new things, and that he never stopped being curious about nature. He also said that he felt lucky to have collaborated with many brilliant colleagues and students over the years.

I think Lieb is a true giant in the field of mathematical sciences, and a worthy recipient of the Kyoto Prize. His research has advanced our knowledge of many-body physics and its applications to various domains of human endeavor. He has also exemplified the spirit of intellectual curiosity and creativity that drives scientific discovery. I congratulate him on this well-deserved recognition, and I look forward to reading more of his work in the future.

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